We are nature and we are part of the animal kingdom. Most of us, especially in the Western world have lost our connection to ourselves and thus our connection to nature. We live inside concrete square boxes, surrounded by artificial light, electrical appliances, WiFi, and all sorts of things that disconnect us from ourselves, our surroundings, and other sentient beings.
This way of life can be detrimental to one's well-being. It interrupts our natural circadian rhythms and dysregulates the nervous system and the natural flow of energy, chi/prana (lifeforce) through the meridian networks. The physiological effects of the stress response on the body can wreak havoc not just with the physical vessel but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. You can become really out of alignment when they are not working in harmony.
Our indigenous ancestors knew this, they understood that nature is full of wisdom. It holds all of the elements to sustain the perfect environment for us to thrive. The plants are medicine, the trees produce oxygen and utilize the carbon dioxide we breathe out. The soil and the sea produce negative ions and all of the minerals we need for vitality. The trees, plants, and fungi are all connected by a huge network of mycelium that runs underground and connects everything via a root system where they constantly send and receive information, and share resources, nutrients, and water.
Everything in creation has its level of consciousness, without it, it would not exist. This is how we are connected to everything and a part of nature, through invisible threads. Everything in your reality is a reflection of your energy in some way or another. Nature (Gaia, Mother Earth) and the animal kingdom are our greatest teachers and guides. Animals are very connected, very intuitive and they know exactly who and what they are. Have you ever seen a dog walking around pretending to be a cat? I certainly haven't!
Dogs especially, are so authentic, present, and in tune with their surroundings, that we can place a lot of expectations on them. Asking them to live in our environment, behave in a certain way, and limit their choices and freedom of expression, goes against their natural instinctive behavior. And yet they show us loyalty, compassion, unconditional love, and forgiveness. I've learned so much about myself and my energy through connection and presence, and listening to the subtle communications they offer. It taught me patience, acceptance, unconditional love, presence, connection, and the importance of authentic expression.
They have also shown me how they are so in tune with our energy and emotions and have mirrored back to me the things that I haven't been able to see in myself. This has allowed me to be accepting of all parts of me, which has helped me to become really attuned to my body and the constant communication it's always offering. Being connected and really knowing yourself and finding what your unique energy is and what is not your energy. This is the key to developing your connection to everything else.
Ask yourself these questions; When did you last walk barefoot on the earth? When did you breathe the salty sea air in? I mean, whilst being present and breathing deep into your dantian (belly), your solar plexus, the seat of your power! When did you look, touch, and smell the flowers? When did you really feel the sun on your face? The wind in your hair and the rain on your skin? When did you connect with an animal last? By this, I mean heart to heart, soul to soul, and in pure presence without distraction, or being in your head thinking about the past or future! When did you touch your body last and speak kind words to it?
From my experiences... these are all really important questions and a vital part of building a connection and symbolic relationship with your environment.
Much love,
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